Located in the Texas Hill Country 90 minutes by car from San Antonio, La Hacienda has been helping people through the recovery process since 1972. We understand substance abuse and severe addictions. Our clinical staff offers therapy and counseling with compassionate care.
Drug and alcohol addiction affects each person differently. Also, drug or alcohol use is often coupled with co-occurring physical or mental health issues. To meet the varying needs of our patients, La Hacienda’s successful residential treatment program provides a number of supporting services.
In addition to inpatient treatment at the Hunt facility, La Hacienda has an intensive outpatient treatment program in Austin.
La Hacienda addresses drug and alcohol addiction with services designed to help each patient begin to live a sober life without substance use.
These include trauma therapy, relapse prevention, LGBTQ support, therapeutic activities, nutrition and fitness, Christian focus, meditation, and the Family Program. They provide additional treatment options for those who have suffered from living a life consumed by addictive substances.
While commonly used to refer to a combination of substance use and mental disorders, co-occurring disorders can also refer to other combinations, such as a medical condition and drug addiction, or a mood disorder and substance abuse.
La Hacienda’s medical and clinical staff screen for both the substance use disorder and co-occurring mental illness, then prepare an integrated treatment plan based on the individual patient.
Unresolved trauma can hinder treatment and recovery. La Hacienda has trauma-informed staff and trained trauma therapists ready to help people overcome trauma’s effects
Unresolved trauma can hinder treatment and recovery. La Hacienda has trauma-informed staff and trained trauma therapists ready to help people overcome trauma’s effects
La Hacienda provides men’s’ and women’s’ support groups to address trauma and the accompanying depression, anxiety, shame, avoidance, numbing addictions and other mental health issues.
La Hacienda’s treatment team believes that relapse is a recognizable and preventable process.
While in residential treatment, relapse education is available in both individual therapy and process groups.
La Hacienda’s relapse therapy divides patients into two types of relapse.
The first group is for those patients who relapsed after an extended period of being well established in recovery. They have previously worked the steps under the guidance of a sponsor and have served as a sponsor to others.
The second is for patients who have been through multiple addiction treatment programs and can’t seem to stay sober outside of the structured inpatient environment.
Many patients with a strong religious background struggle alone with drugs and alcohol because they fear rejection by those who share their faith.
At La Hacienda, we recognize addiction as a serious disease, rather than moral inadequacy. We also see a patient’s faith as a support that can strengthen their recovery process.
For those who desire to incorporate their Christian faith into their recovery, individual and group Christian-based activities are provided, including Bible study and worship.
When individuals enter treatment for substance use or drug dependency, their health is often poor. Using drugs harms the body, and good nutrition and physical fitness are not priorities for the person suffering from addiction. Eating healthy foods and going to the gym are not on their agenda.
La Hacienda has a well-equipped gym and swimming pool where exercise classes are held. Patients may also walk or jog on the hilltop path which also features exercise stations.
La Hacienda offers therapeutic activities to improve health, mind, body, self-esteem, self-awareness, and self-confidence.
Experiential therapies help people on their recovery journey to overcome fears and to find their comfort zone in everyday life.
Upon completing detox and receiving a doctor’s clearance to move into the residential treatment program, a patient can participate in therapeutic activities.
Determining each patient’s nutritional needs is part of the assessment upon admission. Based on their needs and medications, the medical staff orders a regular or special diet. Patients may also talk with the nutrition director about special needs.
Arts and crafts
Physical fitness exercise
Ropes course (high and low elements)
Swimming pool exercises and games
Walking trails with fitness stations
Weight training
Fighting drug addiction and alcoholism is a struggle for everybody, but LGBTQ patients face additional challenges including depression, anxiety, and stigma-induced judgement.
La Hacienda seeks to create a safe community for LGBTQ patients in a supportive, non-judgmental, recovery setting.
Meditation can help patients sleep and concentrate on their therapy. Trained counselors lead optional on-campus meditation sessions for patients during free time each evening with some weekday morning sessions.
La Hacienda Treatment Center
145 La Hacienda Way Southwest
Hunt, Texas 78024